The CO2 compensation point at 21% 02 (r2l) and at 2% 02 (r2), and the rate of dark CO2 efflux at 21% 02 (R.) were measured in adult wheat (Triticum aestivum L, cv Gabo) leaves at the end of the night and after a period of photosynthesis of 5 h at 800 ;tbar CO2. Ref. 7). The contribution of Rd to r at low 02 concentration (e.g. 2%) seems to be large in some cases (2) and very small in other cases (15,21,27).The rate of respiratory CO2 efflux in the dark (R.) measured at 21% 02 is not significantly different (although it is normally slightly higher) than that measured at low 02 concentration (1-3%) (1,7,10,15), although there are some exceptions to this (see Sharp et al. [28], using sunflower leaves). On this basis, several leaf CO2 exchange models (13,26) assume that the contribution of Rd to r should not depend on 02 concentration above about 1 %, and several workers have tried to estimate the rate of respiration in the light in leaves using these models (24,26,27). However, Day and Parkinson (9) In the present investigation, some responses of the CO2 compensation point at 21 and 2% 02 were examined in wheat and bean leaves, and the results suggest that the rate of respiration in the light contributing to r can be smaller at low 02 levels than at ambient levels.MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant Material. Triticum aestivum (cv Gabo) and Phaseolus vulgaris (cv Hawkesbury Wonder) plants were grown in a controlled environment in pots of soil. They were watered twice a day, and were fertilized every other day with nitrate-type Hewitt's solution (4). Total nitrate concentration was 12 mm. Quantum flux density (400-700 nm) was 600 to 700 uE.m 2 * s-'. The day/night temperature regime was 25/20°C with a daylength of 13 h. Only mature leaves of T. aestivum were used. Wheat plants were selected from the cabinet at the end of the night period. Leaflets of the fourth trifolium (in chronological order of appearance) of P. vulgaris were used after several hours in the light. Leaf age was calculated in days, and "day zero" was arbitrarily established as the 1st d in which the leaflets of the selected trifolium were fully unfolded; this occurred approximately 3 or 4 d after the appearance of the corresponding foliar bud. Leaf area at day zero was less than 5% ofmaximal area which occurred at about d 6 to 7.Gas Exchange Apparatus. The open gas exchange system used for measuring CO2 and H20 exchanges of intact attached leaves has been described (1). The gas exchange apparatus was modified by the inclusion ofa closed system. A metal bellows pump (Metal Bellows Corp., Sharon, MA) circulated the air through the system. Plug valves (Nupro Co., model B-4P4T, Cleveland, OH) were used to manually switch' from open to closed system or vice versa. The 02 concentration in the circuit was changed by mixing air with N2 from cylinders, and was measured with an 02 electrode (Yellow Spring Instruments, model 5331).Comparison of Two Methods for Measuring the CO2 Compensation Point. r was either measured by using a closed system and allowi...