“…of the verti cal tra nsiti on energi es (f ro m gro und-to -exci ted sta te and vi ce versa), the oscil l ato r streng ths, and the di po le m oments, for AM1 opti m i zed structures of NP{ TR CNE system were p er- T ri cyano ethylene is chem i call y sim i lar to tetra cya no ethyl ene (TCNE), and l i ke TCNE i t i s ¤ -acid, who se acid streng th as compa red to TCNE i s decreased i n correspondenc e to the change of rel ati ve electro n-wi thdra wi ng character of cyano and hydro gen [2], as reÛected by electro n a£ ni ti es of b oth mol ecules [22,23] Ho…”