Metal-organicframeworks (MOFs)are highly promising Lewis acid catalysts;t hey either inherently possess Lewis acid sites (LASs) on it or the LASs can be generated through various post-synthetic methods, the later can be performed in MOFs in at rivial fashion. MOFs are suitable platform for catalysis because of its highly crystalline and porous nature.M oreover,w ith recent advancements, thermal and chemical stability is not ap roblem with many MOFs. In this Minireview, an enormousv ersatility of MOFs,i n terms of their microporosity/mesoporosity,s ize/shapes elec-tivity,c hirality,p ore size, etc.,h as been highlighted. These are advantageous for designing and performing various targeted organic transformations. Although, many organic transformations catalyzed by MOFs with LASs have been reported in the recent past. In this Minireview,w eh ave restricted ourselves to four important organic reactions:(i) cyanosilylation,( ii)Diels-Alder reaction, (iii)C ÀHa ctivation,a nd (iv) CO 2 -addition.T he discussion focuses mostly on the recentr eports (42 examples).
Cyanosilylation ReactionCyanosilylation reaction which is nucleophillic addition of trimethylsilylcyanide (TMSCN) to carbonyl compounds producing cyanohydrins is av ery important organic transformation. Cyanohydrins are considered as versatile building blocks for fine chemicals, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals, that is, a-hydroxyacids, b-hydroxyamines, a-aminonitriles, a-hydroxyketones and b-aminoalcohols. [41][42][43][44] In contrast to other toxic substancess uch as KCN, HCN and NaCN, TMSCN is ap referred reagent for cyanosilylation reactiona si ti se asy to handle, the SiÀCb ond has low dissociation energy andm ost importantly it [a] A.