“…In recent months, studies have emerged internationally which have helped establish the extent to which crime (or police calls for service) during lockdowns have deviated from expected trends (see Table 1). These contributions have largely featured case study sites in the United States, including San Francisco and Oakland (Shayegh & Malpede, 2020), Los Angeles (Campedelli et al, 2020;Mohler et al, 2020), Detroit (Felson et al, 2020), Indianapolis (Mohler et al, 2020), Dallas (Piquero et al, 2020) and Chicago (Bullinger et al, 2020), although a small number of these have have examined multiple cities simultaneously (Ashby, 2020b(Ashby, , 2020a and nationwide (Hawdon et al, 2020). Although the focus has been in the United States, studies have also been conducted in the United Kingdom (Buil-Gil, Miro-Llinares, et al, 2020;Halford et al, 2020), Australia (Payne & Morgan, 2020a, 2020b, Sweden (Gerell et al, 2020) and Canada (Hodgkinson & Andresen, 2020).…”