Despite the extensive discussion on the benefits of BDA in supply chains, there remains a lack of systematic understanding of how BDA can be effectively linked to Supply Chain Optimization (SCO). This document explores the cumulative published literature from 2014 and 2024, so as to ascertain the impact of big data analytics on supply chain optimization. 64 articles were selected from diverse academic journals, and from these articles, information was gathered, analyzed, and organized. The results shows that Big data is often used for making predictions in SCO; big data analytics has a lot of difficulties dealing with large amounts of data related to managing the supply chain, which include too much data, problems with data quality, keeping data safe and private, difficulty in analyzing data, ability to grow as needed, and complicated supply chains. The study recommends that big data projects should begin with specific goals instead of just hoping people will use them. Starting with small test projects can help show the benefits of big data analytics.