Paulo (USP), and to all teachers who helped me during the undergraduate and graduated courses, for the necessary support to carry out all works.To my parents, João Luiz Esteca and Angela Tereza de Oliveira Neves Esteca, for always encouraging me to study, aiming at a quality education and above all always respecting others; without their encouragement, support and help I would never have made it this far.To my brother, Antonio Marcos Neves Esteca, for all his teachings, collaboration, dedicated time and patience when teaching me various subjects during my undergraduate and graduate time. Thank you so much, my brother, for always wanting my best. To my sister, Ariane Neves Esteca.To my nephews, Yago Esteca de Albuquerque Saraiva and Sophia Esteca de Carvalho, to my goddaughters, Mariana Baccan Esteca and Letícia Baccan Esteca, for making me happy and always trying to understand that the moments of my absence (dedicated to higher education) are for the future and that this is only done from the constant dedication in the present.To my fiancé, Andre Ricardo Machi, for the attention, support, collaboration in various moments of this work and mainly always encouraging me to move forward in the troubled moments during my graduate program.To my puppy, Belinha, for being my angel and my support, for calming me down, bringing me happiness, confidence and security to my life.To my advisor, Prof. Dr. Gilberto José de Moraes, for always being available to solve doubts and problems that arose during the development of the thesis. There were many years of living together, and he helped me a lot to overcome my fears and try new challenges. I am very grateful.To Dr. Ingeborg Klingen and Dr. Nina Trandem for having welcomed me so well and having guided me during my marvelous time in Norway. I can say that I have developed many skills under their guidance, both for academic life and for personal life. To Dr. Marit Helgheim at NIBIO for practical assistance in conducting the expriments in Norway.To Prof. Dr. Italo Delalibera Júnior for the contact with the SMARTCROP project and for all the help and incentive provided for my work in Norway. I am very thankful.