Histamine HI-receptors have been identified in Xenopus oocytes previously microinjected with poly(A) + ribonucleic acid from bovine adrenal glands. Bath application of histamine to ribonucleic acid-primed oocytes evoked concentration-dependent, oscillating membrane currents under voltage-clamp conditions. H,-receptor specific antagonists clemastine, doxepin, pyrilamine, promethacine, diphenylhydramine, dephenylpyraline and chlorpheniramine, but not H,-receptor antagonists, cimetidine and ranitidine, inhibited histamine-induced responses. Membrane currents evoked by bath-applied histamine were insensitive to pertussis toxin, carried by chloride ions and dependent on intracellular but not extracellular calcium.Histamine mediates its various effects in the brain and the periphery via two pharmacologically distinct receptor subtypes termed H,-and H,-receptors (I). Evidence has been presented suggesting that HI-receptors are linked to phosphatidylinositol turnover, whereas H,-receptors are thought to be coupled to adenylate cyclase (2-5). In addition, a further class termed H,-receptors from nerve terminals has only recently been identified and shown to depress the release of its own ligand, histamine, and of noradrenaline (6, 7).HI-receptors are present in membranes of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells, and histaminergic stimulation results in the activation of inositol phospholipid metabolism (8). This is thought to produce the two second messengers, inositol (1, 4, 5) trisphosphate (IP,) and diacyglycerol. IP, in turn causes an increase in the concentration of intracellular calcium (9). Furthermore, evidence has been presented suggesting that in chromaffin cells the level of proenkephalin A mRNA is regulated by histamine via HI-receptors and this process seems, at least in part, to depend on the activity of voltage-dependent calcium channels (10, 11). Thus, the data infer that HI-receptors of adrenal chromaffin cells mediate a rise in intracellular calcium by two distinct mechanisms, i.e. an IP,-dependent release of calcium from intracellular stores and an influx of calcium via activation of voltagedependent membrane calcium channels.For a detailed analysis it would be valuable to study histamine receptors in an easy manipulable heterologous environment. A variety of receptors, which share the ability to elevate cytosolic free calcium, have successfully been identified in Xenopus luevis oocytes, following injection of exogenous mRNA, by electrophysiological recordings of ligand-dependent membrane current changes (1 2-25). Evidence has been presented to suggest that stimulation of the endogenous muscarinic acetylcholine receptor present in oocytes stimulates IP, production and calcium release from internal stores ultimately leading to an increase in chloride conductance (26). These processes can be mimicked by intracellular application of guanosine 5'-(3-0-thio) triphosphate (GTPyS; 27, 28) or inhibited by guanosine (5-(2-0-thio) diphosphate (GDPPS; 29) indicating the involvement of guanine nucleotide-bindin...