We present a historical survey of the development of the scientific direction called "Structural Strength" at the Central Institute of Airplane Engine Manufacturing (CIAEM) for the last 30 years in connection with the 100th birthday of Academician S. V. Serensen, founder of this direction in the USSR, and the 75th anniversary of foundation of the CIAEM. We present the principal results obtained by the scientific staff of the Sector of Fatigue Strength of Materials of Gas-Turbine Engines at the CIAEM. In 1941, the Department of Structural Strength was created in the Laboratory of Dynamics and Strength of Engines (since the end of 1940s, it is called the Laboratory of Dynamics and Strength of Gas-Turbine Engines) at the Central Institute of Airplane Engine Manufacturing (CIAEM) on the initiative of S. V. Serensen, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, who headed this department till October 1967.The scientific school of structural strength of materials and parts of airplane engines was founded by S. V. Serensen on the basis of this department. In the course of time, the fundamental, experimental, and research works of this school found wide recognition throughout the world.During the first period of its existence, the most important directions of scientific investigations in the department headed by S. V. Serensen were connected with the following problems:high-cycle fatigue of structural materials for the parts of gas-turbine engines (including full-scale workpieces) and structural elements in broad temperature ranges for different asymmetries of loading cycles with regard for the structural, technological, and operation factors; long-term strength and creep of promising structural materials for given working temperatures and service life; the number of cycles to failure under the action of elevated constant and cyclically varying temperatures (thermal fatigue).Later, S. V. Serensen occupied permanent position at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the department was headed by B. F. Balashov.