An ℓ-cycle system F of a graph Γ is a set of ℓ-cycles which partition the edge set of Γ. Two such cycle systems F and F ′ are said to be orthogonal if no two distinct cycles from F ∪ F ′ share more than one edge. Orthogonal cycle systems naturally arise from face 2-colourable polyehdra and in higher genus from Heffter arrays with certain orderings. A set of pairwise orthogonal ℓ-cycle systems of Γ is said to be a set of mutually orthogonal cycle systems of Γ.Let µ(ℓ, n) (respectively, µ ′ (ℓ, n)) be the maximum integer µ such that there exists a set of µ mutually orthogonal (cyclic) ℓ-cycle systems of the complete graph K n . We show that if ℓ 4 is even and n ≡ 1 (mod 2ℓ), then µ ′ (ℓ, n), and hence µ(ℓ, n), is bounded below by a constant multiple of n/ℓ 2 . In contrast, we obtain the following upper bounds: µ(ℓ, n) n−2; µ(ℓ, n) (n−2)(n−3)/(2(ℓ−3)) when ℓ 4; µ(ℓ, n) 1 when ℓ > n/ √ 2; and µ ′ (ℓ, n) n−3 when n 4. We also obtain computational results for small values of n and ℓ.