Cells are subjected to cyclic loads under physiological conditions, which regulate cellu lar structures and functions. Recently, it was demonstrated that cells on substrates reor iented nearly perpendicular to the stretch direction in response to uni-axial cyclic stretches. Though various theories were proposed to explain this observation, the under lying mechanism, especially at the molecular level, is still elusive. To provide insights into this intriguing observation, we employ a coupled finite element analysis (FEA) and Monte Carlo method to investigate the stability of a cluster of slip bonds upon cyclic loads. Our simulation results indicate that the cluster can become unstable upon cyclic loads and there exist two characteristic failure modes: gradual sliding with a relatively long lifetime versus catastrophic failure with a relatively short lifetime. We also find that the lifetime o f the bond cluster, in many cases, decreases with increasing stretch ampli tude and also decreases with increasing cyclic frequency, which appears to saturate at high cyclic frequencies. These results are consistent with the experimental reports. This work suggests the possible role o f slip bonds in cellular reorientation upon cyclic stretch.