Incubation of HTC rat hepatoma cells with 8-bromocAMP results in a 3-fold increase in the rate of degradation of type-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) mRNA. We have reported previously that the 3-most 134 nt of the PAI-1 mRNA is able to confer cyclic nucleotide regulation of message stability onto a heterologous transcript. R-EMSA and UV cross-linking experiments have shown that this 134 nt cyclic nucleotide-responsive sequence (CRS) binds HTC cell cytoplasmic proteins ranging in size from 38 to 76 kDa. Mutations in the A-rich region of the CRS both eliminate cyclic nucleotide regulation of mRNA decay and abolish RN-protein complex formation, suggesting that these RNA-binding proteins may be important regulators of mRNA stability. By sequential R-EMSA and SDS-PAGE we have purified a protein from HTC cell polysomes that binds to the PAI-1 CRS. N-terminal sequence analysis and a search of protein data bases revealed identity with two human sequences of unknown function. We have expressed one of these sequences in E. coli and confirmed that the recombinant protein interacts specifically with the PAI-1 CRS. Mutation of the A-rich portion of the PAI-1 CRS reduces binding by the recombinant PAI-1 RNA-binding protein.The amino acid sequence of this protein includes an RGG box and two arginine-rich regions, but does not include other recognizable RNA binding motifs. Detailed analyses of nucleic acid and protein data bases demonstrate that blocks of this sequence are highly conserved in a number of metazoans, including Arabidopsis, Drosophila, birds, and mammals. Thus, we have described a novel RNA-binding protein that identifies a family of proteins with a previously undefined sequence motif. Our results suggest that this protein, PAI-RBP1, may play a role in regulation of mRNA stability.Regulation of mRNA stability is an important component of the regulation of gene expression and is known to have a significant role in normal physiology and development (1-5). Our understanding of the regulation of message degradation has been enhanced by the identification of consensus cis-acting sequences that are involved in determining message stability and of some proteins that interact with them (4, 6). Although it is known that many stimuli alter mRNA stability and some cis-acting sequences responsible have been identified, in few cases have trans-acting factors been isolated (2, 7-10). In contrast, a broad spectrum of RNA-binding proteins that are involved in RNA processing, cellular localization, and translation have been identified, and structural domains involved in RNA recognition have been described (11,12). In many cases RNAbinding proteins contain short signature domains that bind RNA and anchor the protein such that functional domains align (13,14). Much less is known about the mechanisms by which RNA-binding proteins regulate mRNA stability.Plasminogen activators (PAs) 1 are serine proteases that catalyze the conversion of plasminogen to the broad spectrum protease, plasmin. Plasmin is the major fibrinolytic en...