We advocate the idea that there is a fundamentally new mechanism for the axion production in the Sun, which has never been discussed previously in the literature. This novel mechanism of the axion production is based on the so-called sxion quark nugget (AQN) dark matter model. These axions will be produced in addition to wellstudied axions emitted due to the Primakoff effect. The AQN model was originally invented as a natural explanation of the observed ratio Ω dark ∼ Ω visible when the DM and visible matter densities assume the same order of magnitude values, irrespective to the axion mass m a or initial misalignment angle θ 0 . This model, without adjustment of any parameters, reproduces reasonably the intensity of the extreme UV (EUV) radiation from the solar corona as a result of the AQN annihilation events with the solar material. This extra energy released in the corona represents a resolution, within the AQN framework, a long-standing puzzle known in the literature as the "solar corona heating mystery." The same annihilation events also produce the relativistic axions. This represents a new mechanism of the axion production and constitutes the main subject of this work. The flux of these axions is unambiguously fixed in this model and expressed in terms of the EUV luminosity from the corona. We also compute the spectral properties of these axions and make a few comments on the potential for the discovery of these solar axions by the upgraded CAST (CERN Axion Solar Axion) experiment.