An abnormal expression of cyclin D3, a key regulator of the cell cycle, has been documented in a variety of human malignancies, and the cyclin D3 gene, mapping to 6p21, may be deregulated in plasma cell myeloma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a result of the t(6;14)(p21.1;q32.3) translocation and/or gene amplification. In the current study, we for the first time investigated by immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) the prevalence of cyclin D3 abnormalities in follicular lymphomas (FLs), comparing the results with traditional clinicopathologic characteristics, p27 and skp2 immunoreactivity (IR) and Ki-67 labeling index (LI). Cyclin D3, skp2 and Ki-67 IR significantly increased from grade I to grade III FL (p ؍ 0.0003, p ؍ 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively), while p27 IR was significantly (p < 0.0001) more prevalent in low-grade tumors. Cyclin D3 IR was directly correlated with the Ki-67 LI (p < 0.0001) and inversely correlated with p27 IR (p ؍ 0.050). None of the 13 cases analyzed by FISH showed the t(6;14) translocation, but in 2 (15.3%) grade I FLs 3 cyclin D3 signals were detected. Cohybridization with probes specific for the centromeric region and the long arm of the chromosome 6 indicated trisomy in one case and a pattern highly suggestive for the presence of an isochromosome 6p in the other case. Our data suggest that the t(6;14) translocation may be extremely uncommon in FL and that a deregulated expression of cyclin D3, possibly due to epigenetic mechanisms, may be involved in the pathogenesis of high-grade tumors.