Molecular docking plays an indispensable role in predicting the
receptor–ligand interactions in which the protein receptor
is usually kept rigid, whereas the ligand is treated as being flexible.
Because of the inherent flexibility of proteins, the binding pocket
of apo receptors might undergo significant conformational rearrangement
upon ligand binding, which limits the prediction accuracy of docking.
Here, we present an iterative anisotropic network model (iterANM)-based
ensemble docking approach, which generates multiple holo-like receptor
structures starting from the apo receptor and incorporates protein
flexibility into docking. In a validation data set consisting of 233
chemically diverse cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) inhibitors, the
iterANM-based ensemble docking achieves higher capacity to reproduce
native-like binding poses compared with those using single apo receptor
conformation or conformational ensemble from molecular dynamics simulations.
The prediction success rate within the top5-ranked binding poses produced
by the iterANM can further be improved through reranking with the
molecular mechanics–Poisson–Boltzmann surface area method.
In a smaller data set with 58 CDK2 inhibitors, the iterANM-based ensemble
shows a higher success rate compared with the flexible receptor-based
docking procedure AutoDockFR and other receptor conformation generation
approaches. Further, an additional docking test consisting of 10 diverse
receptor–ligand combinations shows that the iterANM is robustly
applicable for different receptor structures. These results suggest
the iterANM-based ensemble docking as an accurate, efficient, and
practical framework to predict the binding mode of a ligand for receptors
with flexibility.