In conjugated polymer devices that switch from one oxidation level to another, such as artificial muscles, it is important to understand memory effects that stem from conformational relaxation movements of the polymer chains. Chronoamperometry during electrochemical switching of polypyrrole doped with dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PPy(DBS), is used to gain insight into the conformational relaxation kinetics. During oxidation and reduction (stepping to the anodic and cathodic voltages, respectively), an exponentially decaying current is observed, but a shoulder appears during reduction when the cathodic voltage is high enough. Subtracting an exponential curve fit from the reduction current yields a small current peak at the shoulder position. The position of this peak depends logarithmically on the applied cathodic potential, the anodic potential that was applied just prior to the reduction step, and on the time that the prior anodic voltage was held. These results are consistent with the electrochemically stimulated conformational relaxation (ESCR) model.
BackgroundIn this thesis, polypyrrole doped with dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PPy(DBS), a conducting polymer, was electrochemically studied in an attempt to quantify the conformational relaxation which occurs during reduction and oxidation. Conducting polymers, and PPy(DBS) in particular, are used in actuators, such as artificial muscles, because of their ability to change volume. Previous work by the research group of Dr. Toribio F. Otero (a co-author on the journal paper in preparation as a result of this work) has extensively characterized the conformational relaxation in some types of conjugated polymers, and a model (Electrochemically Stimulated Conformational Relaxation, or ESCR) has evolved as a result. However, the model has not yet been applied to PPy(DBS). Not including conformational relaxation, PPy(DBS) has been extensively studied and characterized by many groups, including that of Dr. Elisabeth Smela, a co-advisor in this work. Therefore, the motivation for this thesis was primarily to bridge the gap between the two research groups by characterizing the conformational relaxation that occurs in PPy(DBS).
Conjugated PolymersA conjugated polymer (CP) is a polymer containing alternating single and double bonds between repeating units. This structure allow CPs to conduct electricity when an electron is removed from one of the double bonds; the missing electron, or "hole" can move along the polymer chain.By removing electrons, CPs become positively charged (oxidized); adding electrons renders them electrically neutral (reduced). This oxidation and reduction can be accomplished 2 electrochemically, when the polymer is in direct contact with a solid conducting electrode and a liquid electrolyte.The electrochemical switching of CPs between the oxidized and reduced states is accompanied by transport of ions in the electrolyte in order to maintain charge neutrality. I.e., upon oxidation, the net positive charge on the polymer is compensated by either cation egress ...