“…Contrary to intuition, there is ad ecrease in p*-p*o verlap S 0 pÀp upon bending ( Table S3 in the Supporting Information). [30] Thus, structural distortion reduces the H-L energy gap within P and accelerates its Diels-Alder cycloaddition because of the enhanced P-A orbital interaction, as reflected in DE oi (red curves in Figure 6). Thus, the H-L energy gap within B decreases upon out-of-planed istortion by 1) increased p-p overlap thatd estabilizes theH OMO,a nd 2) enhanced electrostatic stabilization that stabilizes the LUMO despite an unanticipated reduction in p* + p*o verlap.F urthermore, an increase in the bending of the benzylic CÀCb ond b (see Figure 1a)r esults in mixingo ft he s and p fragment orbitals of the ring substituents and the aromatic core, respectively,which therebyenhances both the destabilization of the antibonding p-HOMO andt he stabilization of the bonding p* LUMO and thus contributes to decreasing the H-L gap even further( Figure8and Figure S3 in the Supporting Information).…”