P(OCeH5)3] with iodine in dichloromethane was shown by infrared spectroscopy to afford a third product in addition to x-C5H6Fe(CO)2I and x-C6H6Fe(CO)LI; these three compounds were formed in approximately equal amounts. When this iodination was performed in benzene, however, the unknown product separated out while trace quantities of x-CsH5Fe(CO)2I and x-CóH5Fe(CO)LI remained in the benzene solution. The precipitate was shown to be ionic and characterization of the tetraphenylborate derivative showed it to be [x-C5H6Fe(CO)2L]B(CeH6)4. The neutral compounds x-C5H6Fe(CO)LI were identified by comparing their infrared spectra with the spectra of authentic samples previously synthesized from x-C6H6Fe(CO)2l.2SThe physical and spectroscopic data for the ionic complexes are given in the tables. Conductivity data and spectroscopic evidence show, respectively, these derivatives to be 1:1 electrolytes in acetone and diamagnetic. The infrared spectra of these compounds in solution contain two peaks corresponding to C-0 stretching modes; the frequencies decrease with the increase of the over-all ( -) donor ability of the phos-(28) A. L. du Preez, M.S. Thesis, University of Pretoria.Inorganic Chemistry phorus donor ligand as expected. The single cyclopentadienyl proton resonance in the nmr spectra of these ionic compounds is split into a doublet due to phosphorus-hydrogen coupling. The coupling constant could only be measured for the compounds containing the ligands P(C2H3)3 and P(0-f-CsH7)3.The formation of both ionic and neutral compounds in the iodination of the monosubstituted derivatives demonstrates that this reaction occurs by at least two mechanistic pathways, one involving a symmetric cleavage and the other an asymmetric cleavage of the dinuclear parent. A similar scheme has been proposed for the halogenation of [x-C6HóFe(CO)2]2 on the basis of the isolation of [x-C6H6Fe(CO)3 ]X and x-CsHjFe-(CO)2X (X = halogen) from the reaction mixture.29Acknowledgments.-The authors express their gratitude to Dr. K. G. R. Pachler, National Chemical Research Laboratory, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, for the measurement of the nmr spectra. A. L. du P. thanks the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and the University of Pretoria for financial support.