Ab initio computer
simulations of anharmonic
spectra provide nuanced insight into the vibrational behavior of molecules
and complexes. The computational bottleneck in such simulations, particularly
for ab initio potentials, is often the generation
of mode-coupling potentials. Focusing specifically on two-mode couplings
in this analysis, the combination of a local-mode representation and
multilevel methods is demonstrated to be particularly symbiotic. In
this approach, a low-level quantum chemistry method is employed to
predict the pairwise couplings that should be included at the target
level of theory in vibrational self-consistent field (and similar)
calculations. Pairs that are excluded by this approach are “recycled”
at the low level of theory. Furthermore, because this low-level pre-screening
will eventually become the computational bottleneck for sufficiently
large chemical systems, distance-based truncation is applied to these
low-level predictions without substantive loss of accuracy. This combination
is demonstrated to yield sub-wavenumber fidelity with reference vibrational
transitions when including only a small fraction of target-level couplings;
the overhead of predicting these couplings, particularly when employing
distance-based, local-mode cutoffs, is a trivial added cost. This
combined approach is assessed on a series of test cases, including
ethylene, hexatriene, and the alanine dipeptide. Vibrational self-consistent
field (VSCF) spectra were obtained with an RI-MP2/cc-pVTZ potential
for the dipeptide, at approximately a 5-fold reduction in computational
cost. Considerable optimism for increased accelerations for larger
systems and higher-order couplings is also justified, based on this