Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is induced by UVB light and reduces UVB-induced epidermal apoptosis; however, the mechanism is unclear. Therefore, wild-type (WT) and COX-2À/À mice were acutely treated with UVB (5 kJ/m 2 ), and apoptotic signaling pathways were compared. Following exposure, apoptosis was 2.5-fold higher in COX-2À/À compared with WT mice. Because prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) is the major UV-induced prostaglandin and manifests its activity via four receptors, EP1 to EP4, possible differences in EP signaling were investigated in WT and COX-2À/À mice. Following UVB exposure, protein levels of EP1, EP2, and EP4 were elevated in WT mice, but EP2 and EP4 levels were 50% lower in COX-2À/À mice. Activated cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and Akt are downstream in EP2 and EP4 signaling, and their levels were reduced in UVB-exposed COX-2À/À mice. Furthermore, p-Bad (Ser 136 and Ser 155 ), antiapoptotic products of activated Akt and PKA, respectively, were significantly reduced in UVB-exposed COX-2À/À mice. To further study the roles of EP2 and EP4, UVB-exposed CD-1 mice were topically treated with indomethacin to block endogenous PGE 2 production, and PGE 2 , the EP2 agonist (butaprost) or EP4 agonist (PGE 1 alcohol), was applied. Indomethacin reduced PKA and Akt activation by f60%, but PGE 2 and the agonists restored their activities. Furthermore, both agonists decreased apoptosis in COX-2À/À mice by 50%. The data suggest that COX-2-generated PGE 2 has antiapoptotic roles in UVBexposed mouse skin that involves EP2-and EP4-mediated signaling. [Cancer Res 2007;67(5):2015-21]