DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.04.007
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Cyclostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of a bioclastic storm-dominated carbonate ramp (late Pliensbachian, Iberian Basin)

Abstract: Deposition of regressive successions and coeval positive trend in the oxygen stable isotope record in relatively deep marine successions of the upper Pliensbachian of western European basins have been related to a cooling interlude within the warm greenhouse conditions of the Pliensbachian. Sedimentological, cyclostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic analyses carried out in two upper Pliensbachian successions exposed in the Iberian Chain (Obón and San Pedro localities, Spain) allowed the characterization of the… Show more

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Cited by 19 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 55 publications
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“…Dypvik and Harris (2001) and Tribovillard et al (2006) mentioned that a decrease in Th/U is a good indicator of dysoxic conditions in the environment and is associated with the enrichment of organic matter in the depositional environment. On the other hand, the increase of δ 18 O to positive values reflects a warm climatic condition in or around the region (Felis et al, 2000;Abu-Zied and Bantan, 2015;Tiwari et al, 2015;Steinman , 2016;Val et al, 2017). The abundant epiphytic foraminiferal species (Sorites orbiculus, which represents a typical intertidal species) at the top of the layer indicates the prevalence of seagrass meadows that is consistent with the warm climate (Abu-Zied and Bantan, 2013;Bantan et al, 2019).…”
Section: Unit 1 Interpretationmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…Dypvik and Harris (2001) and Tribovillard et al (2006) mentioned that a decrease in Th/U is a good indicator of dysoxic conditions in the environment and is associated with the enrichment of organic matter in the depositional environment. On the other hand, the increase of δ 18 O to positive values reflects a warm climatic condition in or around the region (Felis et al, 2000;Abu-Zied and Bantan, 2015;Tiwari et al, 2015;Steinman , 2016;Val et al, 2017). The abundant epiphytic foraminiferal species (Sorites orbiculus, which represents a typical intertidal species) at the top of the layer indicates the prevalence of seagrass meadows that is consistent with the warm climate (Abu-Zied and Bantan, 2013;Bantan et al, 2019).…”
Section: Unit 1 Interpretationmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…The abovementioned characteristics strongly suggest that the formation of the Santiurde rhythmites was primary and responded to orbitally driven climate change episodes. An orbital control on sedimentation had previously been deduced in other Pliensbachian successions from nearby areas, such as the Asturian and Iberian basins (Bádenas et al, 2012;Val et al, 2017;Sequero et al, 2017).…”
Section: Santiurde Rhytmites: Primary or Diagenetic?mentioning
confidence: 77%
“…emptied in drier periods and sea-level rises (Wendler and Wendler, 2016). Jurassic sea level changes deduced from shallower areas from the Iberian basin were also associated with orbitally paced aquifer-eustatism (Sequero et al, 2017;Val et al, 2017).…”
Section: Orbitally Paced Sea Level Changes?mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Several studies have suggested that the late Pliensbachian is characterised by cooler seawater and atmospheric temperatures. This is evidenced by oxygen isotope data and Mg/Ca ratios in sections in Algeria (Baghli et al, 2020), Portugal (Oliveira et al, 2006;Suan et al, 2008Suan et al, , 2010, Spain (Rosales et al, 2004a(Rosales et al, , 2004b(Rosales et al, , 2006(Rosales et al, , 2018Quesada et al, 2005;van de Schootbrugge et al, 2005;Gómez et al, 2016;Val et al, 2017), United Kingdom (Bailey et al, 2003;Korte and Hesselbo, Fig. 9.…”
Section: Comparison With Global Climate Recordsmentioning
confidence: 88%