Microwave heating is an effective method for efficiently
a target material, allowing the chemical reaction processes to proceed
quickly. In catalytic reactions under microwave irradiation, it is
essential to understand the relationship between the structure and
physical properties of the material to be used as a catalyst and microwave
heating. In this study, we focused on tungsten oxides, which absorb
microwaves and convert them into heat, and we compared the microwave
heating properties of tungsten oxides with different structures. The
heating properties of tungsten oxides under microwave irradiation
are highly dependent on their morphologies. WO3 nanoflakes
with a monoclinic phase structure have a more rapidly heated surface
than tungsten oxides with other morphologies. The heating characteristics
of each tungsten oxide were consistent with the dielectric loss factor
obtained by the perturbation method. Finite element analysis was used
to gain a better understanding of the thermal distribution of materials
during microwave irradiation.