SYNOPSIS. Precystic organisms embedded in agar become abnormal cysts. Some of them are excystable rod-like or ellipsoid forms and the others, non-excystable flat ones. Major axis of the rod-like or ellipsoid cysts is parallel with the body axis of the previous precystic organisms, because when the cysts are formed the protoplast within the secreted cyst walls rotates or agitates slightly around the major axis but movement around the minor axis is precluded.The fibrillar structures appearing in excystment from abnormal cysts are biIaterally symmetrical, different from the normal spherical cysts showing radial symmetry. The two poles from which the fibrils radiate are situated opposite each other but not a t the extremities of the cyst. The locus of the anterior pole corresponds to the site of oral primordia in dividers and reorganizers.When the anterior part of the original adoral membranelles (AZM) in the early precystic animals is removed, the ellipsoid cysts from the abbreviated animals show a disturbance CCORDING to my previous study on the re-A formation of ciliature in excystment of Oxytricha fallax( 1 2 ) the oral primordia, including adoral membranelles ( AZM) , undulating membrane (UM) , and the cirri, seem to be formed in morphogenetic relation to the thickening of certain fibrillar structures appearing only in the resting cystic stage. All of these show separate primordia similar to those in dividers and regenerators of the present species( 10). Such multiplicity is found also in reorganization of the silverline system in the reproductive cysts of Colpoda duodenaria ( 2 7 ).The question arises: How are the ciliary primordia derived? To trace their origin from precystic or trophic stages may provide clues concerning genetic continuity of the ciliature between non-cystic and cystic animals. Unfortunately the information available is scanty. Yet it is known that some cortical structures of the trophic stage persist in cysts, such as the stripes of Stentor coeruleus and S. polymorphus ( 2 2 ) and the dorsal bristles of Euplotes taylori(9); but it is uncertain whether or not these remain unchanged. In other ciliates, extra-nuclear organelles are reported as being resorbed entirely in encystment (43, 9,[11][12][13][14][15]17,21,29,32) ; this brings up the question whether morphogenesis is strictly de novo in excystment. From my previous hypothesis(l1) that the original AZM and UM may inhibit encystment, their resorption in the precystic stage was considered essential to encystment. Is the inhibition-dominance theory further applicable to the initiation of ciliary primordia from their sites in later excystment or not? of the anterior fibrillar arrangement. The primoidium ot the future AZM runs straight from the anterior extremity of the cyst toward the uninjured posterior pole. Ellipsoid cysts from precystic animals after the posterior region is removed similarly have disturbed fibrils near the Fosterior extremity of the cyst. The AZM primordium then arising on excystment extends from the uninjured anterior p...