DESCRIPTIONMature cystic teratoma is the most common benign ovarian neoplasm occurring in the reproductive age group. 1 Sonography is invariably the primary modality for diagnosis. The great diversity in components of teratomas results in varied sonographic appearances. Certain features like tip-of-iceberg sign, fat-fl uid level, dermoid mesh and rokitansky protuberance (dermoid plug) are specifi c to this entity and considered diagnostic. 2 A sonographic appearance of multiple free-fl oating spherical balls in a cyst as seen in the presented case is rare 2 and may present a diagnostic diffi culty to the unwary.Transabdominal sonography in a 23-year-old patient complaining of lower abdominal discomfort revealed a 12×8 cms cystic mass in the lower abdomen. The cyst had a striking ultrasound appearance with multiple distinct, round 1-2 cm sized echogenic globules fl oating in it ( fi gure 1 ). CT scan demonstrated a thin-walled cyst with hypodense fl oating balls within ( fi gure 2 ). At laprotomy, a unilocular right ovarian cyst containing serous fl uid and numerous small cheese-like sebum balls was found ( fi gure 3 ). Histopathology confi rmed the diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma; spherules contained desquamated keratin, fi brin, hemosiderin and sebaceous debris with skin squams and fi ne hair shafts and only a small amount of fat component.The mechanism of formation of these globules is unclear till date. It is postulated that globules are formed by aggregation of sebaceous material around a nidus while moving in the cyst resulting in concentric layers of sebaceous material. The lower specifi c gravity than cyst contents accounts for their mobility. 3 Sonography is diagnostic and further workup is unlikely to show any additional features.