Abstrak CME merupakan penebalan retina lokal dimana cairan terakumulasi dalam ruang kistik pada lapisan luar retina di makula. Irvine Gass Syndrome merupakan CME yang terjadi setelah operasi katarak yang ditandai dengan cystoid multipel pada makula. Tujuan: Untuk melaporkan kasus Irvine Gass Syndrome. Hasil: Laki-laki 60 tahun dengan visus mata kanan 5/60, IOL pada posterior chamber dengan PCO. Pada funduskopi terdapat edema makula. OCT ditemukan CME. Pada pasien dilakukan ECCE 4 bulan sebelumnya. Pseudofakic CME dapat muncul paling cepat 3 minggu dan paling lambat 6 bulan setelah operasi. CME didefinisikan jika visus 20/40 atau lebih buruk disertai ruang cystoid. OCT menunjukkan hyporeflektif di dalam retina, dengan penebalan makula. Perubahan ketebalan makula ≥40μm merupakan indeks OCT significant macular edema. Pasien diberikan NSAIDs topikal yang menghambat cyclooxygenase yang berperan dalam biosintesa prostaglandin karena patogenesa Irvine Gass syndrome disebabkan oleh inflamasi. Setelah itu visus membaik dan pada OCT terdapat pengurangan ketebalan makula. Pasien juga diberikan Carbonic anhidrase inhibitor oral yang menstimulasi pompa RPE untuk mengurangi cairan di macula. Kesimpulan: Pada Kasus ini Pseudofakic CME terjadi 12 minggu setelah operasi katarak. Terdapat respon terapi yang baik dengan NSAIDs topikal, kortikosteroid oral dan Carbonic Anhidrase Inhibitor.
AbstractIntroduction: CME is a localized thickened of the retina where there was an accumulation of fluid within cyst at the retinal outer layer of macula . Irvine Gass Syndrome is a type of CME typically with multiple cystoid form of macula which formed after cataract surgery Aim : presentation a case report of Irvine gass Syndrome. Report: a 60 man years old presenting with right visual acuity 5/60, IOL at posterior chamber with PCO. By funduscopy examination, found that there was a macular oedem. OCT found CME. The patient had performed ECCE 4 month ago. Pseudophakic CME could occured ranging from 3 weeks to 6 month after surgery. CME defined as visual acuity < 20/40 followed with cyst. OCT examination found hyporeflection of the retina, and also thickened of macula. Thickened of macula ≥40μm from OCT examination reflect a significant of macular oedem. The patient then treated with topical NSAID with aim to inhibit cyclooxygenase which is important in prostaglandin synthesis that is vital in inflammation procces . There was an improvement of vsual acuity after treatment and OCT examination found a reduction of macular thickness. Patient also treated with Carbonic anhidrase inhibitor peroral which could stimulate RPE pumping mechanism so could reduce the fluid of macula conclusion: in this case report , pseudiphakic CME develop 12 weeks after cataract surgery. There was favourable respons of therapy with topical NSAID , oral corticosteroids and Carbonic Anhidrase Inhibitor.