Phyllodes tumours are rare fibroepithelial lesions that account for less than 1% of breast neoplasms. Displaying a broad range of clinical and pathological behaviour, phyllodes tumours should be regarded as a spectrum of fibroepithelial neoplasms rather than a single disease entity. We would like to present a rare presentation of fibroadenoma over site of a previously operated case of malignant phyllodes tumour. A 36 year old female came to OPD with complaints of lump in both breasts since 4 months. She gave history of previous surgery, i.e., left breast lumpectomy for which HPE report was suggestive of malignant phyllodes tumour. On examination, 3x2 cm, solitary, firm to hard, non-tender lump was felt in the junction of the upper outer and inner quadrant just below the scar of previous surgery and was not freely mobile and appeared fixed to the scar. Patient underwent excision of the lump with frozen section and final HPE report turning out to be fibroadenoma. Though diagnosis of malignant phyllodes tumour is not difficult, diagnosis of low grade phyllodes tumour and distinction from fibroadenoma on FNA is difficult due to overlapping features between the two lesions. Surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for patients with cystosarcoma phyllodes, extent of surgery been controversial, and continues to evolve. Incidence of fibroadenoma occurring at the previous operated site of malignant phyllodes tumour is very rare with no known previous documentation of such a case.