1. The most abundant proteins of HEp-2 cells were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The protein spots corresponding to several cytoskeletal proteins (vimentin, a-tubulin, P-tubulin, cr-actinin, tropomyosins, and cytokeratins) were identified by comigration with protein markers or by immunological techniques.2. After treatment of HEp-2 cells with 0.2 pM or 2.0 pM cytochalasin D for 20 h, radioautograms of twodimensional gel patterns of lysates from cells pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine indicated that the drug altered the rate of synthesis of some proteins. The relative rate of synthesis of the identified cytoskeletal proteins was measured. Synthesis of cc-actinin, the higher-molecular-mass pair of tropomyosins and actin were similarly increased with cytochalasin D treatment, suggesting coordinate induction. Vimentin and tubulin synthesis was depressed. One cytokeratin exhibited an increase in synthesis comparable to actin, another was increased to a lesser extent and one was decreased.Filamentous actin is associated with a variety of proteins involved in organization of cytoskeletal structure and/or in mediation and regulation of cellular contractility (reviews in [I, 21). During treatment of HEp-2 cells (among others) with cytochalasin D (CytD), cytoskeletal structures containing filamentous actin and associated proteins become rearranged into massive aggregates [3, 41. This morphological alteration is accompanied by an elevation in the relative rate of synthesis and the content of actin in HEp-2 cells [4], as well as in a variety of other cell types [5]. It was of interest to determine if this effect of CytD on actin synthesis extended to any other cytoskeletal proteins. In particular it might be expected that some actin-associated proteins would be coordinately regulated with actin and therefore would also exhibit elevated synthesis in CytD-treated cells.Synthesis of the most abundant proteins in CytD-treated HEp-2 cells was examined by use of high-resolution twodimensional gel electrophoresis [6] to separate the pulselabeled polypeptides. Measurement of the relative rates of synthesis of several of the major cytoskeletal proteins indicated that, like actin, the synthesis of a-actinin and a highermolecular-mass tropomyosin was elevated in CytD-treated HEp-2 cells. In addition, the synthesis of two cytokeratin Correspondence to J. Tannenbaum,