Cytofluorometric analyses of the macronuclear DNA content (MDC) and total protein content (TPC) of Paramecium primaurelia stock 90 were carried out in cells at successive ages, from 10 to 26 fissipns . after conjugation, during immaturity and transition to maturity. Between the 10th and the 20th exconjugant fission within the immaturity period, MDC decreases to a minimum whereas TPC remains constant. Following the 20th fission during the transition period TPC decreases, and from the 22nd to the 26th fission both MDC and TPC remain constant. These results suggest both that the MD0 decresases in the course of the immaturity period and that the sharp decrease in TPC observed during the transition period may be relevant to the onset of maturity.KEY WORDS: Ciliates -Cell life cycle stages -DNA and protein quantitative variations.