Cytochrome c (cyt c) is a multifunctional
protein with varying
conformations. However, the conformation of cyt c in its native environment,
mitochondria, is still unclear. Here, we applied NMR spectroscopy
to investigate the conformation and location of endogenous cyt c within
intact mitochondria at natural isotopic abundance, mainly using widespread
methyl groups as probes. By monitoring time-dependent chemical shift
perturbations, we observed that most cyt c is located in the inner
mitochondrial membrane and partially unfolded, which is distinct from
its native conformation in solution. When suffering oxidative stress,
cyt c underwent oxidative modifications due to increasing reactive
oxygen species (ROS), weakening electrostatic interactions with the
membrane, and gradually translocating into the inner membrane spaces
of mitochondria. Meanwhile, the lethality of oxidatively modified
cyt c to cells was reduced compared with normal cyt c. Our findings
significantly improve the understanding of the molecular mechanisms
underlying the regulation of ROS by cyt c in mitochondria. Moreover,
it highlights the potential of NMR to monitor high-concentration molecules
at a natural isotopic abundance within intact cells or organelles.