• Patients with sickle cell disease have greater microvascular oxygen consumption rates than healthy individuals.• During sickle cell pain crisis, microvascular oxygen consumption increases further.Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder characterized by chronic hemolytic anemia and episodic vaso-occlusive pain crises. Vaso-occlusion occurs when deoxygenated hemoglobin S polymerizes and erythrocytes sickle and adhere in the microvasculature, a process dependent on the concentration of hemoglobin S and the rate of deoxygenation, among other factors. We measured oxygen consumption in the thenar eminence during brachial artery occlusion in sickle cell patients and healthy individuals.
IntroductionSickle cell disease is a blood disorder caused by homozygous or compound-heterozygous inheritance of abnormal hemoglobin-b chains that form hemoglobin S. Patients with sickle cell disease endure pain crises that may last days and occur multiple times each year.1,2 The etiology of painful crises is unknown but may involve blockage of vessels by sickled and adherent blood cells, 3 followed by ischemia reperfusion injury 4 and local inflammatory responses. Inflammation, in addition to increasing pain, can increase oxygen consumption 6,7 and might have adverse effects on hemoglobin oxygenation and sickling when oxygen delivery is limiting. We hypothesized that sickle cell patients would have increased rates of oxygen consumption during acute pain crisis. We measured microvascular oxygen consumption and systemic biomarkers of inflammation in healthy African American volunteers, in patients with sickle cell disease in clinical steady state, and in patients both during pain crisis and after recovery.
Study design PatientsThe Institutional Review Board of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute approved clinical protocol 12-H-0101 specifically for this study. All participants provided written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. See http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/ NCT01568710 and supplemental Table 1 (available on the Blood Web site) for enrollment criteria. Pain crisis was defined as acute pain occurring in a typical distribution requiring hospital admission and parenteral analgesia. Acute crisis studies were performed within 36 hours of admission, after patients had received intravenous fluids and pain medications. Follow-up studies were performed more than 3 weeks after resolution of acute pain symptoms.
Near-infrared spectroscopy and oxygen consumption calculationNear-infrared spectroscopy has been validated against magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a measure of local oxygen consumption in muscle. 8 We used the Inspectra 650 (Hutchinson Technology, Hutchinson, MN) to record tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation 9 (StO 2 ) and tissue hemoglobin index 10 (THI; a measure of hemoglobin signal strength) every 2 seconds during a 5-minute brachial artery occlusion. Oxygen consumption (VO 2 ) was calculated as the sum of each change in StO 2 over each 2-second interval, weighted by t...