Referee 1: "This study describes more general frequency of CBMN assay biomarkers and could be regarded as the study giving baseline values of MN assay parameters. Saying that this is connected with the air pollution because Turin is regarded as one of the most polluted cities in Italy is a bit overestimated. To connect MN frequency with the biomarkers of exposure to air pollution one should measure biomarkers of exposure or at least present certain data regarding air pollution in the time frame of the blood sampling to access the exact levels of air pollutants during the sapling of population. Without that, this paper is simply biomonitoring study undertaken to access baseline frequency of MN assay parameters in a healthy population of the city of Turin. In line with that authors should change the title and the aim of the study. Trough discussion section one could hypothesis that the higher MN frequency could be due to air pollution but nothing more". Authors: In agreement with the referee, we changed title and aim of the study. Introduction and Discussion sessions were modified, trying to give more emphasis to the population aspects. Moreover, as suggested by the referee 2, the introduction session was improved with some concepts about the evolutionary meaning of MNi. Referee 1: "Authors could even give some data on the air pollution parameters form their city in the year of blood sampling but without that this seems a bit overestimated to say that the higher frequency is due to air pollution since it could be from several other lifestyle factors, dietary preferences, polluted water etc". Authors: In agreement with the referee, we provide table (Table 5) with data about air pollution in Turin in 2017, year of sampling Referee 1: "Page 6, line 33-use × instead of X" Authors: In agreement with the referee, we modified the text as suggested.