THE STANDARDIZATION of technics and a large experience with both laboratory animals and women have permitted the formulation of a morphologic classification of peritoneal fluid cells in women. ' " ' 9 Since our first publication on the subject, our technic for obtaining the cytologic specimen as well as the technic for fixing, staining, and examining the material has remained unchanged. 19 The peritoneal fluid cellular samples were obtained by an established gynecologic outpatient diagnostic procedure, culdocentesis, or by direct aspiration at the time of operation. The specimen was immediately placed on an albumin-coated slide and then promptly fixed in 95% ethyl alcohol. The cytologic specimens were stained according to Papanicolaou's procedure. 20 The complete description of the procedure used in women to obtain the cytologic specimens has been previously described. 13 All of the cytologic specimens were examined microscopically under oil immersion.As our knowledge of peritoneal fluid cytology in women expands, we must have a meaningful classification to communicate to the practicing physician. We are aware of the many studies in the literature pertaining to peritoneal fluid in women; however, the marked variations in the methods of obtaining the specimens, fixing and staining them, and the varying procedures