In recent years, the relationship between human papillomaviruses (HPV) and genital neoplasia has been explored intensively, and a molecular basis for the role of HPV in the genesis of these diseases has been convincingly demonstrated. These findings have provided justification for efforts to apply this molecular information to the early detection and possible prevention of HPV-related neoplasia. The technology of detecting viral nucleic acids in genital fluids brought with it initial hopes that it would serve to identify women at risk for having or developing precancers or cancers of the cervix. Subsequent studies, however, have demonstrated limitations of the technology for predicting future disease. Recently, molecular immunology has complemented these prior efforts, with the intent to identify serological indices of exposure to HPV and perhaps delineate individuals at risk. The molecular basis for this approach, its limitations, and future prospects for immunodiagnosis are the subject of this review.