On the basis of the current available literature, the authors have presented a short description of cytological examination and its application in the oral mucosa disease diagnostic process. furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of this method are described. The available diagnostic tools used for oral smears were reviewed as well as more and more often available methods which aim at making the diagnosis process more accurate and more favorable for patients. Oral cytology analysis may, in the near future, be a very useful examination for patients in terms of diagnostics and monitoring, not only during the treatment but also afterwards. The authors would like to demonstrate what a beneficial tool this cytological examination could be as a fast and cheap cancer prophylactic test. This opinion is based on the fact that this cytological method has significantly improved the detection of uterine cervical cancer during a gynecological examination since the introduction of the Papanicolau technique in the 40s (Adv Clin Exp Med 2014, 23, 2, 299-305). Exfoliative cytology is a diagnostic technique based on a microscopic evaluation of epithelial cells after a procedure of their fixation and staining. There are 2 methods in use: the indirect cell--collecting method, such as aspiration subjects with self-exfoliated cells, and the direct method, rub cells of the mucosal surface. The exfoliated cells are put into a preservative fluid and the samples are processed according to the manufacturer directions, after staining using the Papanicolau method [1,2].Exfoliative cytology as a diagnostic tool is most popular in gynecology. Since cervix cytology (the Papanicolau technique) appeared in the 1940's in diagnostics, the number of deaths from cervical cancer has decreased. Unfortunately, the role of exfoliative cytology in screening for oral cancer still isn't as successful as it is in the diagnostic process of the uterine cervix cancer.The Papanicolau technique is a multichromatic staining histological technique developed by George Papanikolaou and used to differentiate cells from smear preparations of various bodily secretions [3]. This is a polychrome staining method which comprises a nuclear stain (hematoxylin) and two counterstains (Orange G and Eosin Azure dyes). Hydration of the fixed smear is required for the cells to take up the hematoxylin, whereas dehydration prepares the smear for the counterstain dyes.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Exfoliative CytologyOral cytology examination in oral mucosa is still not popular. There are controversies with