Many plant extracts such as resorcinol, gloriosine , ergot alkaloid, eserine, podophyllin, asafoetida, lathyrogens...etc.were reported by several authors as causing cytological abnormalities.The aim of this work was to study the cytological effect of water extract from Achillea fragrantissima which have a medicinal value , on Allium cepa and Vicia faba.
Material and methodsPreparation of the extract A weighed quantity (3, 5 and 9g) of the plant was boiled in 100ml tap water for 5 minutes. The evaporated water was replaced by tap water to the original volume (100ml), then the extract was filtered.Secondry roots of Vicia faba (var. Rebaya 40) 1-3cm in length were treated with the different concentrations of the extract (3, 5 and 9%) for 1 and 2 hours for each concentration.Allium cepa bulbs were grown in tap water at room temperature for 4-6 days . When the roots were 2-4cm in length they were treated as in Vicia.The roots were cut, fixed in Carnoy's fixative (1-3 acetic-alcohol) for 24h then stored in 70% alcohol.Another group of Vicia and A. cepa roots were taken off the extract solution after every time treatment (I and 2 h) for each concentration, washed with running water and transfered back to tap water for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Simultaneously control plants were grown in tap water for each of the different periods. The re covered roots were cut, fixed, stained and examined.Mitotic index was calculated as the average number of dividing cells from 10 different root tips, for each treatment 10000-20000 cells were counted.
Results and discussionAs shown in Table 1, the Achillea extract affected the mitotic phases. Ac cumulation of prophases was observed in nearly all the direct treatments of A. cepa and Vicia except in 1h 9% where increase of ana-telophases was noted. The accumulation of prophases was on the expense of the other phases. This indi cates a delay in the spindle formation.1 Present address, Faculty of Education, Doha, Qatar.