Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is considered an efficient genetic tool in pearl millet hybrid breeding. Of the several CMS sources available in pearl millet, A 1 is the only CMS widely exploited to produce commercial hybrids in India. To explore the possibility of using alternate CMS sources, we studied the cytoplasmic effects of different CMS sources on agronomic characters in pearl millet. Five CMS (A) lines representing A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , A 4 and A 5 cytoplasms, their respective maintainer (B) lines and eight restorer (R) lines were used to generate 40 A · R and B · R experimental crosses. The experimental material was evaluated at two different locations in India. Analysis of combining ability and heterosis revealed that A 4 and A 5 cytoplasms had desirable effects for earliness. The A 5 CMS was found to be particularly promising, as compared to other CMS sources for improving grain yield. The study also indicated that the cytoplasmic effects on general combining ability (GCA) for various agronomic characters were largely non-significant. However, cytoplasmic effects on specific combining ability and heterosis were found to be modulated by cytoplasmicnuclear interactions and influenced by the environmental conditions. The study also demonstrated the advantage of utilizing diverse malesterile and restorer combinations in maximizing the productivity as well as for genetic and cytoplasmic diversification of hybrids in pearl millet.