Genetic analysis of 20 isolates representing 11 species of Myxomycetes was carried out to determine whether they were heterothallic or homothallic. Each of the single isolates of Badhamia utricularis, Didymium minus, D. nigripes, and Physarum cinereum was found to be heterothallic, the first such reports for all of the species except D. nigripes. All isolates of Badhamia foliicola (1), Didymium squamulosum (1), Physarum compressum (3), P. gyrosum (1), P. pusillum (2), Stemonitis flavogenita (6) and an unidentified species of the order Physarales (2) were homothallic, with B. foliicola, P. compressum, and S. flavogenita being reported for the first time.