Candida albicans strain WO-1 undergoes two developmental programs, the bud-hypha transition and highfrequency phenotypic switching in the form of the white-opaque transition. The WH11 gene is expressed in the white budding phase but is inactive in the white hyphal phase and in the opaque budding phase. WH11 expression, therefore, is regulated in the two developmental programs. Through fusions between deletion derivatives of the WH11 promoter and the newly developed Renilla reniformis luciferase, the WH11 promoter has been characterized in the two developmental programs. Three transcription activation sequences, two strong and one weak, are necessary for the full expression of WH11 in the white budding phase, but no negative regulatory sequences were revealed as playing a role in either the white hyphal phase or the opaque budding phase. These results suggest that regulation is solely through activation in the white budding phase and the same mechanism, therefore, is involved in regulating the differential expression of WH11 in the alternative white and opaque phases of switching and the budding and hyphal phases of dimorphism.Candida albicans and a number of related species possess two well-defined developmental programs, the bud-hypha transition (16) and high-frequency phenotypic switching (17). In the bud-hypha transition, cells differentiate from a round, budding growth form to an elongate hyphal growth form, the latter composed of sequential cellular compartments. The hyphal growth form represents a morphological modification which apparently facilitates foraging and tissue penetration. In the program of high-frequency phenotypic switching, cells switch spontaneously and reversibly between a number of general phenotypes distinguishable by alterations in colony morphology. Phenotypic switching can also have extreme pleiotropic consequences on cellular phenotype (2,15,17,19,20).Although the bud-hypha transition and high-frequency phenotypic switching represent two distinguishable developmental programs, there are several indications in the most thoroughly analyzed switching system, the white-opaque transition in strain , that the regulatory circuitry in the two programs partially overlaps. First, opaque-phase cells, like hyphae, are elongate, and each contains a large vacuole similar to the one observed in each hyphal compartment (2). Second, opaque-phase cells express one or more hypha-specific surface antigens, although they also express opaque-phase-specific surface antigens (1). Third, an analysis of the transition from white to opaque at the single-cell level suggested a pseudohyphal intermediate (4,20). Finally, the white-phase-specific gene WH11 is not only under the control of the white-opaque transition but also under the control of the bud-hypha transition (25). WH11 is expressed in the budding white phase but is inactive after cells have differentiated to a hypha or have switched to the opaque phase. Wh11 is homologous to the glucose lipid-regulated protein Glp1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (26), wh...