We have examined the ability of primary adult rabbit skin cells to regulate collagenase production in vitro. Dermal cells constitutively produce collagenase in culture, and enzyme production by these cells can be influenced by epithelial cells. Co-culture with skin epidermal cells resulted in more enzyme production by dermal cells, whereas co-culture with corneal epithelial cells yielded less enzyme activity . Connective tissue cells from a different source, cornea, also produced collagenase when co-cultured with skin epidermal cells, although the stromal cells alone made no enzyme .The drug cytochalasin B had very little influence on collagenase production by dermal cells, either alone or in co-culture with epidermal cells, but did significantly potentiate enzyme production by corneal stromal cells responding to epidermal effector molecules .Epidermal-cell-conditioned medium from both fetal and adult rabbit skin was a potent source of stimulators (apparent mol wt 20,500 and 55,000) of connective-tissue-cell Collagenase production . Stimulator production by epidermal cultures was cell density dependent . Optimal production of stimulators occurred in adult cultures containing 106 epidermal cells/ ml of medium, and in fetal cultures containing 105 cells/ml . Inhibitors of connective tissue cell enzyme production were not detected in conditioned medium from either adult or fetal epidermal cells .A growing body of evidence suggests that fibroblast behavior in situ may be regulated by neighboring cells over relatively short distances via secreted effector molecules called cytokines. Both mononuclear cells and epidermal cells produce cytokines (1). One ofthese molecules has been shown to be a fibroblast mitogen when derived from either monocytes (2, 3), macrophages (4), or epithelial cells (5, 6), and another molecule, mononuclear cell factor, stimulates collagenase production by fibroblasts (7) . Some of these effector molecules may be interleukin 1 (2, 3, 5-7).We are interested in cellular interactions that regulate collagenase production, and have previously shown that production of this enzyme by stromal cells from the adult rabbit cornea can be regulated in vitro by cell products from the epithelium of the same tissue (8, 9). Consistent with the observation that no enzyme is present in normal adult corneal tissue (10), we found that primary cultures of stromal or epithelial cells, or the two cell types mixed, made no collagenase . Indeed, conditioned-medium experiments demonstrated that the corneal epithelium made inhibitors (apparent mol wt 19,000 and 7,000) of stromal cell enzyme production. When,
90BARBARA JOHNSON-WINT and JEROME GROSS The Developmental Biology Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 however, we added cytochalasin B (CB)' to corneal cell cultures, their behavior changed . Under the in vitro influence of CB, adult corneal epithelial cells secreted substances (apparent mol wt 19,000 and 54,000) that stimu...