We report here the purilt¢=~tion of ten|tscin, an exlracdluhtr matrix rnulecule involved in the control or morphosen¢~is, From the ¢ondhloned medium of th© ,¥¢nupus XTC cell line, Tenant:in was purified by i:l~nhy chromatollraphy on a ~;olumn of" the inont~lol"lal untibody mAb TnM I; the m~leeule eluled from this coiull~ll Ii:~it a relative mol¢cuhlr m~tss of 210 kDa ~l'ter reduction. Electrophoretie analysi~ under non.reduein~ condiiion:~ ~how~ Ihal the purified components are olisomerie disulfide.linked eor0 ~lcxe=t which barely enter n 4~, polyacr),htmid¢ gel. Upon rotary d~adowinll these molecules appear to possess =~ central 81obnlar domain to whi~l~ p~lir,t or triplelS ot'arms are ~tl~tchetJ, Polyclon.'d tlntibodies h~tvc been rai~ed ~sainst purified Xrnopus tcna~in, They recosnise ~pccil~¢ally the ¢lntiien on We,ttern blots oi" ×TC conditioned medium and adult bru in, by immunofluores. ¢ence, lhes. untibodi¢~ reveal I'trl~¢ umounls of tena~cin in the s~retory vc~i¢les a~ well ,'t=t in the extracdtul~r mlllrix ot XTC eel is, h'= the .Ve, opux tadpole, th~.y',lain the devclopin8 ¢artiht~,e, the basal lamina ofsk n cpidermi,,, myotendlnou!t lisaments and restricted resions of the central nervous ~,'$te111,