The gametic chromosome numbers of seven Hymenasplenium (Aspleniaceae) species from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Prov., China, were investigated. All the examined individuals of H. obscurum, H. cheilosorum and H. latipinnum were sexual diploids with n=39 chromosomes. Intraspecific cytological variation was found in H. excisum, which has a sexual diploid (n--39) and a tetraploid (n=78). Only a triploid apogamous cytotype (n--ca. 117) was found in H. laterepens. Hymenasplenium apogamum showed the most complicated intraspecific variation and included a sexual diploid (n=39), a sexual tetraploid (n=78) and an apogamous triploid (n=ca. 117). This work reports for the first time the sexual diploids of H. cheilosorum and H. apogamurn, which are only apogamous elsewhere in east Asia, Himalayas and Indochina. These results may indicate that this area is one of the diversity centers of Hymenasplenium. Most of the above species have chromosome numbers based on x=39. In contrast, H. costarisorum contains a sexual diploid (n=36) and a sexual tetraploid (n=72), indicating that its basic number is x=36.