A b s t r a c t Lantana rhodesiensis used in Africa folk medicinefor the treatment of cancer, measles, malaria, smallpox, strength, coughs, fever, rheumatism, body pains ar composition of the whole plant of present review was to give a detailed literature survey on its tradition and therapeutical properties of A b s t r a c t Lantana rhodesiensis Moldenkean herbaceous, belonging to the Verbenaceae family is widely used in Africa folk medicinefor the treatment of cancer, measles, malaria, smallpox, strength, coughs, fever, rheumatism, body pains, diabetes mellitus arrhythmia, parasitic diseases, arterial hypertension, old diarrhoeas. Many studies have been conducted on the chemical composition of the whole plant of L. rhodesiensisas well as biological activities. The aim of the present review was to give a detailed literature survey on its tradition and therapeutical properties ofL. rhodesiensis.