The aim of this study was to evaluate cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of calcium-silicate based sealers and comparing them with a gold standard—an epoxy-based sealant. Two experimental cell lines were used, gingival fibroblasts (hGF) and monocyte/macrophage peripheral blood cell line (SC). The cytotoxicity (XTT assay) and genotoxicity (comet assay) were evaluated both after 24-h and 48-h incubation. Additionally, after 48-h incubation, the cell apoptosis and cell cycle progression was detected. BioRoot Flow induced a significant decrease in hGF cells viability compared to the negative control groups both after 24-h (p < 0.001) and 48-h incubation (p < 0.01). In group with SC cells, after 24-h incubation significant increase in cells viability was detected for AH Plus Bioceramic Sealer in comparison to negative control (p < 0.05). BioRoot Flow and BioRoot RCS can be considered potentially genotoxic for the hGF cells after 48-h incubation (> 20% DNA damage). BioRoot Flow and BioRoot RCS, may have potential genotoxic effects and induce apoptosis in hGF cells which may irritate periapical tissues, resulting in a delayed healing. The findings of the study would be useful in selection of an appropriate sealant for root canal filling without causing cytotoxicity and genotoxicity.