| Pyroligneous Liquors are obtained from diverse biomasses and have been found to contain important biologically active components with high phenolic, carbonyl and organic acid contents which have several pest control properties. Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor (BPL) has proved effective in controlling several insect pests of many crops but its nematicidal potential is yet to be fully determined. We, therefore, investigated the nematicidal activities of Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor in managing root-knot nematodes of Lactuca sativa in greenhouse trials. Bambusa vulgaris biomass was carbonised at 500 o C in a locally fabricated pyrolizer with automatic temperature control to obtain the Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor (BPL). Two weeks old lettuce plants were inoculated with 1,000 juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita. BPL was applied at three concentrations of 100, 200 and 400 mg/ml. Results revealed that nematode infected lettuce plants treated with BPL recorded significantly higher (P< 0.05) mean number of leaves, plant height and yield compared to the untreated control. In addition, BPL at 400 mg/ml had substantially higher nematicidal effects on both the soil and root population of nematodes of L. sativa and compared favourably with the carbofuran treatments. We concluded that BPL could serve as a very potent eco-friendly alternative to synthetic nematicides in managing M. incognita of lettuce.