Highly Pr-doped Ba 2 In 2 O 5 (PBI) was successfully fabricated and its ionic conduction and power generation characteristics were studied in this work. Two PBI materials of different concentration ratio were evaluated: Pr:Ba:In = 0.9:1.1:1 (PBI910) and Pr:Ba:In = 1:1:1 (PBI000). PBI910 material was confirmed as single phase with cubic perovskite structure. However, PBI000 had both cubic phase and impurity phase. In a hydrogen concentration cell, the measured proton transfer number t H + of PBI910 at 500 • C was 0.81 and then decreased with increasing temperature, whereas the oxide ion transfer number t O 2− was 0.07 and then increased with increasing temperature. Power generation experiments were evaluated at 500 • C to 900 • C using PBI as electrolyte and H 2 as fuel. Results revealed that t H + and t O 2− showed different dependency on temperature and significantly affected the power density. Proton conduction dominated from 500 • C∼600 • C, and power density increased with increasing operating temperature due to improved proton conductivities. However, at 600∼800 • C, proton conductivities decreased, which caused a decrease in power density. Further increase in temperature into the 800 • C∼900 • C range showed oxide ion conduction to then dominate, and the consequent improved oxide ion conductivity again increased the power density Currently used SOFCs operate at temperatures above 800• C because their Y 2 O 3 -stabilized ZrO 2 electrolyte (YSZ) requires high temperature to limit ohmic losses across the electrolyte. However, the goal in SOFC development of lowering the operating temperature can significantly improve the reliability, durability, and stability of SOFCs. One target of recent SOFC research is to develop intermediate temperature SOFC systems (IT-SOFCs), namely, operating at 500• C∼700• C. Operating at such intermediate temperature has several advantages. First, reactions between the cell components are suppressed 1 , thus improving the durability of the system. Second, the electrochemical reaction on an electrode is rapid compared with that at temperatures below 500• C, and thus the over potential is relatively low, which in turn enables a high power density. To develop IT-SOFCs, faster ionic conductors are needed to replace the conventional YSZ electrolyte.
2-6A recent strategy is the use of ceramic materials with high proton conductivities as electrolyte for Compared with oxide-ion-conducting SOFCs, proton-conducting SOFCs (PC-SOFCs) generate water at the cathode side. Theoretically, open current voltage (OCV) calculated by the Nernst equation should be kept high under high fuel utilization operation conditions in PCSOFCs and thus provide an opportunity to develop a system with both high power density and high fuel utilization.8 Among reported proton conductors, materials with perovskite structure show higher conductivities than other structures such as LaP 3 O 9 , 9 LaNbO 4 , 10 and LaBaGaO 4 .11 In perovskite-type materials, the highest conductivities have been achieved using BaCeO 3 doped w...