In [1] a mechanism to fix the closed string moduli in a de Sitter minimum was proposed: a D-term potential generates a linear relation between the volumes of two rigid divisors which in turn produces at lower energies a race-track potential with de Sitter minima at exponentially large volume. In this paper, we systematically search for implementations of this mechanism among all toric Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces with h 1,1 ≤ 4 from the Kreuzer-Skarke list. For these, topological data can be computed explicitly allowing us to find the subset of three-folds which have two rigid toric divisors that do not intersect each other and that are orthogonal to h 1,1 − 2 independent four-cycles. These manifolds allow to find D7-brane configurations compatible with the de Sitter uplift mechanism and we find an abundance of consistent choices of D7-brane fluxes inducing D-terms leading to a de Sitter minimum. Finally, we work out a couple of models in detail, checking the global consistency conditions and computing the value of the potential at the minimum.