Let R be an F -finite Noetherian regular ring containing an algebraically closed field k of positive characteristic, and let M be an F-finite F-module over R in the sense of Lyubeznik (for example, any local cohomology module of R). We prove that the Fp-dimension of the space of F-module morphisms M → E(R/m) (where m is any maximal ideal of R and E(R/m) is the R-injective hull of R/m) is equal to the k-dimension of the Frobenius stable part of HomR(M, E(R/m)). This is a positive-characteristic analogue of a recent result of Hartshorne and Polini for holonomic D-modules in characteristic zero. We use this result to calculate the F-module length of certain local cohomology modules associated with projective schemes.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 13A35; secondary 13A02, 13D45.