The history of the first 41 years of the Congenital Heart Surgeons Society (CHSS) was recorded in 2015 which chronicled the metamorphosis of a small informal meeting into a mature organization with bylaws, officers, committees, funded research, the Kirklin-Ashburn Fellowship, and a vision to become the premier organization of congenital heart surgery in North America. Chief among these transformations was the implementation and development of the CHSS Data Center. Member participation, fellowship education, and significant outcomes research have been the hallmark of the CHSS. This incremental historical review highlights continued CHSS sentinel advances. Fifty-three CHSS Data Center manuscripts have been published. Citation scores (number of literature citations that each manuscript has accrued) have been collated and analyzed by cohort study. The average citation score for all manuscripts was 75.4 + 76.3 (range: 1-333). The Kirklin/Ashburn Fellowship continues to thrive with academic achievements and generous contributions to the endowment. The World Journal of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery has been adopted as the official organ of the CHSS. A Past President's Dinner has been inaugurated serving as a senior advisory committee to the Executive Council. Toronto Work Weekends continue. Congenital Heart Surgeons Society growth has accrued to 159 active members and 82 institutional members. Future considerations include the size, content, and duration of the annual meeting; the potential for increased membership; and political penetrance into national cardiothoracic governing organizations regarding committee appointments, executive council representation, and education initiatives. Congenital Heart Surgeons Society has achieved numerous advances during this incremental period.