For the thermal control of electronic components in aerospace, automotive or server systems, the heat sink is often located far from the heat sources. Therefore, heat transport systems are necessary to cool the electronic components effectively. Loop heat pipes (LHPs) are such heat transport systems, which use evaporation and condensation to reach a higher heat transfer coefficient than with sole heat conduction. The operating temperature of the LHP governs the temperature of the electronic components, but depends on the amount of dissipated heat and the temperature of the heat sink. For this reason, a control heater on the LHP provides the ability to control the operating temperature at a fixed setpoint temperature. For the model-based control design of the control heater controller, the current LHP state-space model in the literature focuses on the setpoint response without modeling the fluid's dynamics. However, the fluid's dynamics determine the disturbance behavior of the LHP. Therefore, the fluid's dynamics are incorporated into a new LHP state-space model, which is not only able to simulate the LHP behavior under disturbance changes, but is also used for the model-based design of a robust nonlinear controller, which achieves an improved control performance compared to the nonlinear controller based on the previous LHP state-space model.