Assessment of the skeletal muscle contractile properties provides valuable information for various medical applications. This thesis presents the development of a wearable ultrasonic sensor (WUS) and a method to measure the skeletal muscle contractile parameters.The proposed WUS was made of flexible polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric polymer film. A double-layer PVDF configuration was proposed to improve ultrasonic performance such as ultrasound signal strength. In order to study the double-layer PVDF WUS performance for its design consideration, a formulation of a numerical simulation model for the double-layer PVDF WUS was derived, based on Mason's equivalent circuit model of piezoelectric resonators. The double-layer PVDF configuration and the effects of non-piezoelectric layers on ultrasonic performance, such as backing, bonding, and electrode layers, were studied in detail using the simulation model developed to obtain a guideline for the design and construction of double-layer PVDF WUS. The construction procedure of the proposed design of the double-layer PVDF WUS was simple and relatively low-cost.The experimental evaluation showed the improved ultrasound performance of the developed double-layer PVDF WUS. The flexibility, lightweight, thinness, and small size of the double-layer PVDF WUS enable a steady attachment to the skin surface without affecting the underlying tissue motion in the area of interest. Such features could reduce the motion artifacts in the ultrasound measurement of tissue thickness. The developed double-layer PVDF WUS was tested for in vivo measurements of the skeletal muscle contractile parameters.Comparative measurements of the electrically-evoked static contractions of a skeletal muscle i iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Abbreviations xxvii
List of Symbols xxxi
List of AbbreviationsAcronym Definition A-mode Amplitude mode ACL Anterior cruciate ligament AlN Aluminium nitride B-mode Brightness mode CMUT Capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer CNT Carbon nanotube COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP Cerebral palsy CTT1/2 Contraction time to half tetanic CV Coefficient of variation DAQ Data Acquisition