Two renowned Irish political scientists, David M. Farrell and Jane Suiter, have joined efforts, resulting in the book under review. This is not the authors' only joint publication. They have been collaborating for a long time, addressing, for example, the topic of deliberative mini-publics, in which they both specialize, but exploring it from a different perspective. 1 The book under review is focused on deliberative democracy. The authors, having practical experience as well as an academic background, complement each other perfectly in the text.Professor David M. Farrell is a specialist in the study of representation, elections, parties, and deliberative mini-publics. He is the author of numerous monographs published in prestigious publishing houses. 2 His current work is focused primarily on deliberative mini-publics. To date, he has advised and/or researched six government-led deliberative mini-public processes in Ireland, the UK, and Belgium.